5 Alternative uses for your self-storage unit

Sometimes homes or offices just aren’t quite big enough to incorporate everything we want to do. If you need a designated space for an activity, work, or storage, there’s no reason why a self-storage unit can’t provide that space for you. In this blog, we show you some alternative uses for self-storage units to help you gain some more space in your life.

Extra office space

Office space

If your job involves you working at home sometimes, or you’re self-employed and need a space to designate for work and you don’t want to fall prey to all the distractions that occur at home, then a self-storage unit could be the best solution for you.

The unit you choose can be customised in terms of size to accommodate whatever office supplies you need, and is the perfect haven of peace and quiet, away from any distractions that might draw you away from work.

At Titan Storage, our 24/7 access and secure storage systems mean that you don’t have to worry about leaving your files, stock or projects in the unit until you come back to start work again. Alternatively, Titan Storage also offers designated office spaces for small or medium businesses.

Art studio

Are you bursting with creativity but lacking the space to fully express yourself? Need somewhere that is your own personal space where you can create without interruption?

Using a self-storage unit as a personal art studio is one way that you could tackle these limitations. It’s the perfect place to store all of your equipment and supplies when you’re not using it, and also an ideal place to work where you can use your easel or drawing table in a designated space with the room to move and express yourself.

Also, without the hassle of carpets and your personal furniture, any mess that is made, or any clean up that needs to be done, is a lot simpler to achieve and there’s no risk of damaging your possessions or house.

Personal gym using a storage unit

Personal gym

Staying fit and healthy is a key part of today’s busy lifestyle. However, joining a gym can seem intimidating with all the other people there. Or you might be on the other end of the spectrum and want to complete your workout routine without having to wait for machines.

If you don’t have space in your own house for a home gym, then a self-storage unit could be the next best option for you. With enough space to keep the machines you want, depending on the storage unit size you choose, and 24/7 access from Titan Storage, you can visit your personal gym whenever you want.

Hobby space

We recently wrote a blog about adapting your shed into a hobby space, but if you lack a shed or need your shed for storage, why not use a storage unit as your man or woman cave?

Whether your hobby space is a room to fit that pool table that just won’t squeeze into the dining room at home, or a space for you to house your large collection of books and a comfy sofa to curl up on, a storage unit will be able to provide a hideaway where you can relax. It would also be a great space for any craft work that you’d like to do.

An extra wardrobe

If both your summer and winter wardrobes take up too much space in your home, or you store all of your winter clothes in boxes until the colder weather sets in, you could use storage as an alternative wardrobe that you could switch around depending on the season.

A storage unit is the perfect place to rotate a wardrobe since it provides an uncluttered room where the only purpose is storing clothes. Simply purchase a few clothes rails, or lightweight standing wardrobes and start cycling your clothes through the seasons as and when you need them.

At Titan Storage, our 24/7 access means that you can access your wardrobe whenever you like, whatever event you need your clothes for.

If you’re running out of space at home and are looking for an area that you can use to facilitate your work and hobbies, visit Titan Storage and get a quote for a storage unit that will suit your alternative use.

Thomas Light

Tom’s SEO experience includes working for both agencies and within in-house marketing teams over 8+ years period. With a marketing degree under his belt, he is able to think of the bigger picture and make website recommendations that have benefits beyond SEO. Tom is not one for jargon and likes to explain things in a way that’s easy to digest; because of this, he’s happy assisting internal teams as well as working with external developers when needed. Tom’s approach to SEO is heavily focused on content and usability. He prides himself on being efficient and effective, with great communication and prompt action. Tom lives in Southampton (much to the disappointment of the Portsmouth locals within the company), and in his spare time you’ll find him watching live music, playing games and attempting to imitate his favourite musicians on the acoustic guitar.

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